Dorrie Francis Lusted, 1928–1967. Anne Hopkins, 1969–1988. Children. 2. Alan Stewart Paton (11 January 1903 – 12 April 1988) was a South African author and anti-apartheid activist. His works include the novels Cry, the Beloved Country and Too Late the Phalarope.
I hereby declare that I language edited a psychobiography of Alan Paton's life here, in February 1925, that he first met Dorrie Lusted, an older and married woman. The first was the birth of his son, David Francis, with the se
Downes Lusted, Felicity Jane, May-1957 Paton, Alexander Geoffrey, May-1957. Paton&n Fracastoro Fragaria Franceswright Francette Francis Franke Franklin Adams Pasadena Pasasymphonia Pasternak Patientia Paton Patria Patrice Patricia alameth alamgir alammelech alamo alamoth alan alana alanah aland alane dor Gus Gomez. San Francisco CA. John McGillivray. Los Angeles CA. Robert Westman. La Jolla CA. Alan Greenberg. Anaheim CA. Raul Rosales.
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Then he also got diploma in education. He decided to work as a teacher. His first school was Ixopo High School. Then he taught at Maritzburg College.
While he lived in Ixopo, he met his wife-to-be, Dorrie (Doris Olive Lusted, nee Francis) who was widowed in 1925. They were married in 1928, and moved to Pietermaritzburg, where Paton took up his post at Maritzburg College. After graduation, Paton worked as a teacher, first at the Ixopo High School, and subsequently at a Pietermaritzburg high school While at Ixopo he met Dorrie Francis Lusted.
Kontakion for You Departed is a book by Alan Paton dedicated to his wife Dorrie Francis Lusted. The book was published in 1969, two years after her death from emphysema in 1967.
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Bibliography Check out my latest presentation built on, where anyone can create & share professional presentations, websites and photo albums in minutes. In Ixopo Paton fell in love with Dorrie Francis Lusted. Soon after she was widowed, Paton married her in 1928 and converted to Anglicalism; he was born a Methodist. Dorrie Francis died in 1967 of emphysema.
In Ixopo Paton fell in love with Dorrie Francis Lusted, who was married. After her husband died, Paton and Dorrie Lusted were married in 1928. She died in 1967 of emphysema. His years with Dorrie Francis the author recorded in KONTAKION FOR YOU DEPARTED (1969).
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După studiile de la Maritzburg College, a studiat la University of the Natal în orașul său natal unde a primit un B.Sc., urmat apoi de o diplomă în pedagogie. After graduation, Paton worked as an teacher, first at the Ixopo High School, and subsequently at Maritzburg College While at Ixopo he met Dorrie Francis Lusted.
She died in 1967 of emphysema. His years with Dorrie Francis the author recorded in KONTAKION FOR YOU DEPARTED (1969). In 1969 Paton …
Biografía Primeros años. Paton nació en Pietermaritzburg, su padre era un importante funcionario.Se graduó en ciencias en la Universidad de Natal y más tarde en educación.
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Alan Paton got his Bachelor of Science degree from University of Natal. Then he also got diploma in education. He decided to work as a teacher. His first school was Ixopo High School. Then he taught at Maritzburg College. Facts about Alan Paton 2: Dorrie Francis Lusted. Dorrie Francis Lusted was his wife. Both met when Paton …
Alan Stewart Paton was a South African author and anti-apartheid activist. Spouses, Dorrie Francis Lusted, 1928–1967.
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Anne Hopkins, 1969–1988. Children. 2. Alan Stewart Paton (11 January 1903 – 12 April 1988) was a South African author and anti-apartheid activist.
After graduation, Paton worked as a teacher, first at the Ixopo High School, and subsequently at Maritzburg College While at Ixopo he met Dorrie Francis Lusted. They were married in 1928 and remained together until her death from emphysema in 1967. Their life together is documented in Paton's book Kontakion for You Departed, published in 1969
Soon after she was widowed, Paton married her in 1928 and converted to Anglicalism; he was born a Methodist. Dorrie Francis died in 1967 of emphysema.
Valmistuttuaan Natalin yliopistosta Paton toimi opettajana ja rehtorina ja tapasi tulevan vaimonsa Dorrie Francis Lustedin. After graduation, Paton worked as a teacher, first at the Ixopo High School, and subsequently at Maritzburg College While at Ixopo he met Dorrie Francis Lusted. They were married in 1928 and remained together until her death from emphysema in 1967. Their life together is documented in Paton's book Kontakion for You Departed, published Després d'això, Paton va començar a treballar com a professor, primer a l'Ixopo High School, després al Maritzburg College. Mentre era a Ixopo va conèixer a Dorrie Francis Lusted, amb qui es va casar el 1928. Alan i Dorrie es van mantenir junts fins a la mort d'ella el 1967.