1984 IH 5488 MFWD, 205 hp, 3 point, 1000 pto, full set of suitcase weights, sn: 4300, Was a very nice tractor before it had a dash fire. Engine condition is unkown. Please view all the pictures. Has 3 hydraulic remotes. Would make a good restoration project for someone! Has the IH mechanical


INTERNATIONAL 5488 DIESEL 18 SPEED Power 187.22 (139.61) 165.46 (123.38) 0.00 (0.00) 84.88 (63.30) 186.88 (139.36) (31.95) 125.58 (93.64) 100.94 (7527) Department of Agricultural Engineering Dates of Test: May 26 to June 8, 1982 Manufacturer: INTERNATIONAL HARVES- TER COMPANY, 401 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611

The International 5488 tractor is a larger horsepower vehicle, and comes in either a 2WD or MFWD configuration. It's a very versatile piece of equipment, and can be used for tillage, planting, spraying or cultivation work. When rural America needs a new International tractor, they turn to BigIron Auctions. International 5488 MFWD Tractor. This is One of Two International 5488 Tractors that we are selling for Lindsey Bros Farms on the Same Day. They Purchased both of these Tractors many years ago together from the original Owner. They have decided to update this past spring and now want to liquidate Buy International 5488 parts from Hy-Capacity, a remanufacturer and seller of agricultural parts, based in Iowa. Our 5488 has been a very reliable tractor, we bought it 12 years ago and have put 3,500 hours on it, it was a southern tractor that's got 10,000 hours on it now.

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Enclosed Cab, Air Conditioner, Manual  @OldTractorsWorld™️ on Instagram: “From @anovak204 this beauty - 1985 International Harvester 5488 #johndeere #international #harvester #showtractor  Köp online International 5488.. (448412340) • Britains, Leksaksbilar och samlarbilar • Avslutad 21 feb 19:08. Skick: Oanvänd ✓ Fri Frakt ✓ Auktion  Traktorer av Erik Eriksson. Case Ih, International Harvester, Monster Trucks, Reklam International IH 5288, 5088, and 5488 Tractors. Reklam. International  Keväällä 1990 esitelty Case IH Maxxum oli poikkeuksellisen täydellisesti uusi this beauty - 1985 International Harvester 5488 #johndeere #international…”. TractorData.com International Harvester 856 tractor photos information.

22. International Tractors International Harvester Farming Life Farmall Tractors End Of An Era Case Ih Heavy Equipment Ranch David. Find new and used International Tractors for sale at Fastline.

CASE IH 5088 5288 5488 TRACTOR OPERATORS MANUALThis manual has been developed to assist you in understanding how to operate and maintain your machine. It contains a list of safety precautions, a discussion of the controls and instruments, procedures for operating the machine, a maintenance schedule, a brief troubleshooting section, and a specification section.PUBLICATION NUMBER CASE COMPANY


Ih 5488

2018-12-28 · 5488 Serial Numbers: Location: Right side of tractor frame: photo of 5488 serial number 1981: 501 1982: 523 1983: 2416 1984: 3112 1985: 4390 Final: 4452

TractorJoe has plenty of International Harvester 5488 parts to keep it running. IH 5488 for auction. ERTL Precision Key Series High Detail 1981 185 hp 1/16 Scale International Tractor Parts 5488 - Filters.

Save money with rebuilt and used IH 5488 Used IH Tractor Parts The Complete Rebuild of a 50 Series Tractor 50 Series Before and After For Sale IH Tractors and Stuff Store TOUCH THE NEW IH TRACTOR PARTS TAB ABOVE FOR MORE PARTS PAGES AND ADDITIONAL PARTS AVAILABLE!!! put your arrow on the 5088, 5288, 5488 parts tab and a menu will slide over.
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Hitta (och spara!) dina egna pins på Pinterest. Case Tractors, Farmall Tractors, International Tractors, International Harvester, Bailing Hay, Case. IH 5488. Brad Johnson.

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Save up to 60% off dealer pricing on parts for International Harvester 5488 Tractors. Parts ship within 24 hours. Visit TractorJoe today!

IH 5488 MFWD tractor - 2 · IH 5488 MFWD tractor - 3 · IH 5488 MFWD tractor - 4 · IH 5488 MFWD tractor - 5 · IH 5488 MFWD tractor - 6 · IH 5488 MFWD tractor - 7  Chassis Sets · Cream Separator · Cub · IH McCormick Farmall · IH McCormick- Deering Farmall · Implement · International Farmall · McCormick-Deering  Aug 31, 2019 I.H. 5488 tractor 1982 with 5272 second owner hours. Comes with 18.4 R42 Radials with DMI 10 bolt hub duals. New front tires and rear tires  2020-feb-18 - Page 1 of 3 - IH 5488 in the Snow. - posted in Coffee Shop: Last month we had a great picture review of Matt Rupps recently  2019-aug-12 - Denna pin hittades av Stickan Eriksson. Hitta (och spara!) dina egna pins på Pinterest. Browse our inventory of new and used INTERNATIONAL 5488 Till Salu near you 1984 IH 5488 MFWD, 4 valves, 42” rubber with duals, air seat, 20 frt weights.

Find new and used International Tractors for sale in Fastline's large database. Hundreds of International Tractors for sale with competitive pricing. Filter your search results with the tool to the right of the listings to find the exact make and model you need.

- posted in Coffee Shop: Last month we had a great picture review of Matt Rupps recently  2019-aug-12 - Denna pin hittades av Stickan Eriksson. Hitta (och spara!) dina egna pins på Pinterest. Browse our inventory of new and used INTERNATIONAL 5488 Till Salu near you 1984 IH 5488 MFWD, 4 valves, 42” rubber with duals, air seat, 20 frt weights.

The trans updates are done with some upgrades: Such as the 5288's are updated to the 5488 trans and master clutch setups. The biggest upgrade on a trans rebuild is on the 5088 It has substantial upgrades to its trans and master clutch settings. Tractor parts for IH 5488 tractors at All States Ag Parts. We carry new, rebuilt and used International 5488 tractor parts. Our inventory of International 5488 tractor parts is always changing. If the part you need is not listed online, please call toll-free 877-530-4430. 1984 INTERNATIONAL 5488.