Dr Hacksell has over 20 years’ experience of international management from both large pharma and small biotech companies, with recent CEO positions at two NASDAQ-listed companies: Cerecor Inc. and ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. During his 15 years at ACADIA he led the business from a private start-up to becoming a public multibillion dollar company.


Uli Hacksell View Synthesis of perhydro-1,4-ethano-1,5-naphthyridine and perhydro-4,7-ethanopyrrolo[3,2-b]pyridine derivatives: potential NK1-receptor antagonists.

candidate drugs all the way to approved pharmaceuticals with large therapeutic benefit and mechanism of action, as both MIV-818 and. MV-828 are 1) Uli Hacksell took over as CEO on October 15, 2018. 2) Christine Lind  Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 1520-4804 Selective mode of action of guanidine-containing non-peptides at human NPFF receptors Mark R. Brann & Uli Hacksell, 2002 Oct 9, In: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Selective mode of action of guanidine-containing non-peptides at human NPFF Mark R. Brann & Uli Hacksell, 2002 okt 9, I : Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Uli Alf Hacksell, Director.

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Väsentliga händelser under Q1-Q3 2020. Den 7 februari uppdaterade SynAct sina utvecklingsplaner. 2017-08-14 2021-04-07 Dr Hacksell has over 20 years’ experience of international management from both large pharma and small biotech companies, with recent CEO positions at two NASDAQ-listed companies: Cerecor Inc. and ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. During his 15 years at ACADIA he led the business from a private start-up to becoming a public multibillion dollar company. 2018-10-16 Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc said it redesigned an ongoing late-stage study on its experimental anti-psychotic drug for Parkinson's disease patients, and that it plans to conduct an identical study Which company executives are buying and selling shares of ACADIA Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ACAD) stock? View the most recent insider trading activity for ACAD stock at MarketBeat.

Board member since 2017. Action Pharma A/S and the Swedish Medical Products Agency.

9 juli 2015 - InDex Pharmaceuticals meddelade idag att Uli Hacksell och som SynAct Pharma A/S, SLS Invest AB, Action Pharma A/S samt 

InDex Pharmaceuticals Holding AB:s (publ) operativa verksamhet bedrivs genom Dotterbolagen. vardera Stig Løkke Pedersen och Uli Hacksell, sam- manlagt  Abstracts of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy no 7, Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm, av: Hacksell, Uli. Studies on action mechanisms of some common opioid analgesics (Diss., sammanfattning 51 sid., tab.)  of diarylated ethanones, a common pharmacophore found in several pharmaceuticals, in moderate to high isolated yields (47-84%).

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Uli Hacksell Cyclocondensation of 2-(2-cyano-1,2-diphenylethyl)quinuclidin-3-one 1 in the presence of sulfuric acid gave an intramolecular phenylation instead of lactam formation.

Medivir AB. Dr John Haurum. View More. EXHIBIT 10.24 . TERMINATION AGREEMENT . This termination agreement (the “Termination Agreement”) is made and entered into as of October 27, 2010 (the “Effective Date”), by and between Biovail Laboratories International SRL, a society with restricted liability established under the laws of Barbados with its principal place of business at Welches, Christ Church, Barbados, West Indies Shareholders together representing more than 20 per cent of the shares and votes in the company has announced that they propose Uli Hacksell to be elected as new board member of SynAct Pharma.

Torbjørn Bjerke, MD – Chairman Uli Alf Hacksell is a businessperson who has been at the helm of 9 different companies is on the board of Active Biotech AB and 5 other companies. In his past career he was Chairman at Glionova AB, Shareholders together representing more than 20 per cent of the shares and votes in the company has announced that they propose Uli Hacksell to be elected as new board member of SynAct Pharma. Dr Uli Hacksell (1950) has over 20 years of international management experience from both large pharmaceutical and biotech companies. He has served as CEO at two NASDAQ-listed biopharmaceutical companies, Cerecor (2016–2017) and ACADIA Pharmaceuticals (2000–2015), and led ACADIA from a private start-up to becoming a public multibillion dollar company. Uli Hacksell, born 1950, is a trained pharmacist and holds a PhD from Uppsala University. Uli Hacksell has more than 25 years experience from senior positions in both large pharmaceutical and biotech companies as well as more than 10 years experience as CEO of publicly owned companies.
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De senaste artiklarna från BioStock » Enzymatica om minskad försäljning och planerad nyemission » BioStock Live med CombiGene » Abliva slutför fas Ia/b studie med KL1333 » BioStock’s article series on MDR and IVDR: Notified Bodies – potential bottleneck » Nyemission finansierar utvecklingen av CombiGenes projekt mot nya milstolpar Läs BioStocks nyhetsbrev för vecka 11 här. Idag 11 Mar 2015 Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc. won't be seeking regulatory approval for nervous system disorders, said longtime Chief Executive Uli Hacksell  24 Apr 2015 class action lawsuit against ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. (“ACADIA” Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and director, Uli Hacksell ("Hacksell"). Uli Hacksell, Ph.D. Dr. Hacksell served as Chief Executive Officer of ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc., or ACADIA, from September 2000 to March 2015 and was   On February 9, 2021, Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (the “Company”) U. Is what Acadia Pharmaceutical CEO Uli Hacksell said he was receiving from the that the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) action date for a decision by ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. uses 4 email formats: 1. first_initial ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s Email Format, Percentage Uli Hacksell's profile photo search features and then immediately take action, leaving your comp 19 Mar 2014 Uli Hacksell at University of Gothenburg Ethan S Burstein at ACADIA Pharmaceutical Krista McFarland at ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Based on its mechanism of action, pimavanserin may have antidepressant activity.

Uli Hacksell has more than 25 years experience from senior positions in both large pharmaceutical and biotech companies as well as more than 10 years experience as CEO of publicly owned companies.
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The main strategy of Action Pharma is to develop novel drug candidates targeting melanocortin  9 jul 2015 9 juli 2015 - InDex Pharmaceuticals meddelade idag att Uli Hacksell och som SynAct Pharma A/S, SLS Invest AB, Action Pharma A/S samt  RPS Publishing is the publishing organisation of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. First published 7 From clinical evidence to mechanism of action: the development of standardised 2005; Wang et al., 2005; Ma et al Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 1520-4804 Selective mode of action of guanidine-containing non-peptides at human NPFF receptors Mark R. Brann & Uli Hacksell, 2002 Oct 9, In: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 16 Oct 2020 The successes of synthetic organic chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry had led to a strong Malcolm M. Campbell (UK), Uli Hacksell (SE). Dr. Uli Hacksell, Chief Executive Officer of Acadia, said in a 2014 press release 4.

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Born: 1950. Education: Pharmacist, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science and associate Professor at  19 Mar 2007 ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Announces Positive Results From Co-therapy with ACP-103 also led to a faster onset of antipsychotic action and an key advantages of co-therapy with ACP-103," said Uli Hacksell, Ph. 9 juli 2015 - InDex Pharmaceuticals meddelade idag att Uli Hacksell och som SynAct Pharma A/S, SLS Invest AB, Action Pharma A/S samt  Shareholders together representing more than 20 per cent of the shares and votes in the company has announced that they propose Uli Hacksell to be elected  09:00-09:30 MEDIVIR, ULI HACKSELL, VD09:30-10:00 INDEX PHARMACEUTICALS, PETER ZERHOUNI, VD10:00-10:30 SEDANA MEDICAL, CHRISTER  Action Pharma, vars ledande kandidat såldes till AbbVie för 110 MUSD Uli Hacksell har tidigare varit vd för forskningsbolaget Medivir, vd för  SynAct Pharma / Uli Hacksell / Uli Hacksell Det första som hette Action pharma till Abbot för 110M USD, det andra, TXP Pharma, gjorde vi ett  Board members Wenche Rolfsen (also chairman), Uli Hacksell, Cobitolimod has a completely different mechanism of action and safety  Novel dopamine receptor agonists and antagonists with preferential action on autoreceptors | Johansson, Anette M.; Arvidsson, Lars Erik; Hacksell, Uli; Nilsson,  Medivir Uli Hacksell, CEO & Lotta Ferm, CFO. 09:30. Motion Display Anna Engholm, CEO. InDex Pharmaceuticals Peter Zerhouni, CEO. 10:00. SynAct Pharma, från idé till verklighet. på patenten och kandidaten AP1189 som förvärvas från Action Pharma efter det att Action Pharmas huvudkandidat Ledningen i SynAct föreslår Uli Hacksell som ny styrelseledamot.

3) Källa: MedTrack, Top 10 Pharmaceutical Deal Makers 2010, inte längre, styrelseledamot i Action Pharma A/S och Topo Uli Hacksell.

Hacksell served as Chief Executive Officer of ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc., or ACADIA, from September 2000 to March 2015 and was a member of its Board of Directors.

He initially joined ACADIA as Executive Vice President of Drug Discovery. Instead San Diego-based Acadia (NASDAQ: ACAD) said today it would delay asking the FDA to approve its main product, and that its CEO, Uli Hacksell (pictured), had resigned. Acadia shares fell more Co-founder of TXP Pharma Co-founder and former CSO of Action Pharma Holdings: 2,236,971 >25 years track record from Pharma industry as Head R&D and CEO (private & public) Co-founder of Action Pharma, TXP Pharma and Arctic Aurora Life Science Member, BoD for DBV Technologies Holdings: 763,512. Torbjørn Bjerke, MD – Chairman