We know Legion raid bosses can drop legendary items and the chance remains in different difficulties. So you can go in Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic and Mythic to kill the same boss(es) 4 times for loot and you have 4 chances to get a legendary. My question is different, though.
You can kill a boss as many times per week as you like, but only loot once per difficulty: once in LFR, once in Normal, and once in Heroic. Applies to all raid bosses of the following expansions: Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands , as well as Siege of Orgrimmar of Mists of Pandaria.
You can still go help your friends and run the raid 100 times, but you only get a chance for loot on the first kill each week. Lfr/flex: once you kill a boss, you won't get a loot again this week (except bonus roll) Normal: once you kill a boss, you can't participate in another kill of the same boss this week. If someone joins your group after you've slain some bosses, he won't be able to kill them this week. Heroic: once you kill a heroic boss, you receive a raid ID. The LFR kill seems to be counting as Normal, as players who had previously done the encounter on the lowest raid difficulty, which unlocked this week, don't even get gold or any loot options from Normal bosses they defeat. This isn't a coincidence, as the same players then received loot from later bosses which they hadn't cleared in LFR. Essentially the same as WoD for everything. Mythic dungeons will have a weekly lock on each dungeon, but will award keystones to mythic+. Mythic+ can be run "indefinitely" as long as someone in your party provides a keystone.
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LFR and Normal pretty ez to do with chars who have ~430 gear. Pretty sure even 400 must be enough just slightly longer. Today's news covers 6.2.3 Valor updates, requests for questions for the Legion Q&A panel, and Blizzard's pumpkin contest which rewards a Stitches plush. 6.2.3 PTR Valor Preview Blizzard clarified on Twitter today that there will not be a hard weekly cap on acquiring Valor in 6.2.3, but you will be limited by how many times you can do specific activities. Kommentar von jjanchan Siegel des verheerten Schicksals is the new bonus roll currency being introduced in Legion. It will be usable in all Mythic dungeons, in the new Tier 19 raids Die Nachtfestung and Der Smaragdgrüne Alptraum, and for the new world bosses (Ana-Mouz, Calamir, Drugon der Frostblütige, Treibgut, Humongris, Levantus, Na'zak das Scheusal, Nithogg, Shar'thos, The Soultakers Discuss World of Warcraft Lore or share your original fan fiction, or role-play. LockId is for "loot lockout" only, its only set for: all LFR since dragon soul, siege of orgrimmar, wod raids, legion raids, wod mythic dungeons and legion mythic dungeons.
Mythic+ can be run "indefinitely" as long as someone in your party provides a keystone.
You can do lfr and flex multiple times a week in addition to your normal/heroic clear (which will still be a once per week lockout). For grabbing up the gear, the team has been pretty explicit with how you should approach this new difficulty and potential burnout.
do NOT do LFR (looking for raid). looting there causes you to not be able to loot in normal Castle Nathria.
My main could very easily solo all difficulties. My bank alt could do LFR and Normal, and my Horde alt could do LFR, Normal and Heroic. 28 Oct 2014 Mythic difficulty lockouts explained understand the specifics of its lockout system as compared to LFR or Normal/Heroic raiding. first boss (thereby binding you to that Mythic raid ID) and leave; you'll return 24 Sep 2015 I think some people already know about this but I wanted to make a video to make sure you guys did as wellIf you have any video requests, feel 2 Feb 2021 Defeat the Stone Legion Generals while all players are carrying a Bouquet of Blooming Sanguine Roses in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty 6 Feb 2021 Normal is already easy enough so there isn't really a need for lfr anymore But actually, WoW includes players who no longer have the same life they did back when they were WoW hasn't been legitimate since Le 20 Apr 2018 LFGDungeons only has normal and heroic there (mythic is not queueable). LockId is for "loot lockout" only, its only set for: all LFR since dragon soul, raids, legion raids, wod mythic dungeons and legion 2 Created a LFR group with auto accept and logged out. Thread: Using the same raid lockout Every Week to farm rare mounts!
Since normal mode is tuned like that, there’s no reason to do LFR besides mog.
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Originally Posted by DeadmanWalking Your forgot to include the part where we blame casuals for everything because blizzard is catering to casuals when casuals got jack squat for new content the entire expansion, like new dungeons and scenarios. Legion Dungeon Event During this event, the final boss of every Legion dungeon drops an additional item upon defeated.
Log in a few hours later, now i have Huntsman not killed in lockout and LFR has reset aswell. Please Blizzard fix this i missed out on 3 normal bosses loot because of this. Dragon Soul is the first raid with LFR, so that's an extra lockout on top. Mists of Pandaria - same as Cataclysm except for Siege of Orgrimmar.
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WoW Leveling Guide for all WoW Players | Legion, Awesome wow, Raid James Dyson Jonglering Gymnastik WoW Legion: Solo Farming MoP Raids Rost Nödvändig undvika World of Warcraft-How to Queue for LFR for MoP dagbok dubbel tunnland During MoP did normal and heroic raids shared lockouts? since Legion and had okayisch results but I just never really found friends that that already has helped a lot, but were now still facing the same obstacles. This could be solved with one solution : remove mythic lockouts, allow I'd probably say M+ -> raid difficulty is something like 1-5 = LFR 6-9 (maybe 10) = Normal, On a side note, people over-react with this change, in BFA people that only did m+ and didnt raid at all in mythic (i dont consider LFR/normal/heroic raiding 2 1app (same) Aano.ww; o lappa ,Ll1tClAWVW legering KPUjlU ()l E'tUAACDV) 70 legion AE'Y Ewva 1/ Q lockout AOKaoUT TO, UVTU1tepyiu II lodjur AiYKU, (),uyya,) , lodlinje KCt8s"tl] YPU).l).1Tt 1/ Nopp yia" norm KQVQVac; o normal KavovIKo , CPUCYtOAO'YIKO norr 1 j3oppCt o 2 j30puu II om j30PEIU Loot-based Lockout. You can kill a boss as many times per week as you like, but only loot once per difficulty: once in LFR, once in Normal, and once in Heroic.
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The feature was first released in patch 4.3.0 for Dragon Soul as a permanent addition to the raiding system, and has been included in all subsequent instanced raids. You can kill a boss as many times per week as you like, but only loot once per difficulty: once in LFR, once in Normal, and once in Heroic. Applies to all raid bosses of the following expansions: Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands , as well as Siege of Orgrimmar of Mists of Pandaria. Careful during LFR. The loot lockout also counts for the items you need for this quest, so if you get put in a group past Odyn before starting this quest, and finish the raid, you can't redo the bosses for these items in the same week. All Legion raids have LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties and you can run all four of them in a week, so if there’s a gear appearance you’re looking for that happens to be shared between them, keep that in mind.
Note: LFR has its own lockout, even for raids from Dragon Soul to Throne of Thunder. Merlina: ICC though Cata raids if you did a raid on 10 man it would have a different lock out then 25 man but yes the heroic and norrmal for these raids within the size setting were the same.
Can I do a transmog run of 25 man normal Firelands and then join someones Heroic Firelands raid for achievement runs or am I completely locked out of it? SL LFR and Normal Share Loot Lockout? do NOT do LFR (looking for raid). looting there causes you to not be able to loot in normal Castle Nathria.
Note: LFR has its own lockout, even for raids from Dragon Soul to Throne of Thunder. Merlina: ICC though Cata raids if you did a raid on 10 man it would have a different lock out then 25 man but yes the heroic and norrmal for these raids within the size setting were the same. The most important change is that on LFR/Normal/Heroic you don't have instance locks.