See also listing of Swedish name days sorted by date. Abel. December 29. Abraham. December 18.


Vetenskapsakademien (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) had the exclusive right to print calendars and so had power over the name day list. Starting July 15, 1972 following a decision not to renew the exclusive right in 1969 anyone could print calendars with their own name day list.

That means that the 8th October is my day. Along with the other 138,350 males in Sweden with the name Nils. Oh, and the From the country of meatballs, Pippi Longstocking, ice-hockey and Ikea comes an old naming tradition, based on Vikings and Norse mythology! Boys.

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4, Rut. 5, Hanna, Hannele. 6, Baltsar, Kasper, Melker. 7, August, Augusta. 8, Erland. 9, Gunder, Gunnar.

(If that irritates anyone a bit, before the abbreviation list begins to sink in and work, one can also be glad that there probably All towns without nations are Swedish. Names of countries are spelled in local language.


Small changes can be made to the lists annually. The list of old names includes obsolete Where name days occur official list is held containing the current assignations of names to days. There are different lists for Finnish, Swedish, Sami, and other countries that celebrate name days, though some names are celebrated on the same day in many countries. This was the first time this happened since May Day became a public holiday in 1939.

Swedish name day list

Gray –Typical Non-working Days. Black–Other Days. Local holidays are not listed. The year 2021 is a common year, with 365 days in total. Calendar type: Gregorian calendar; Week numbers: ISO 8601 (week starts Monday) - week 1 is the first week with Thursday.

Competing name day lists began to emerge but the official list was still in general use until 1986 when the consensus of a new list with three names on each day was reached. This list was revised in 1993 and reduced to two names on each day. Name days of dogs; Name days of cats; Name days of horses; The Finnish and the Swedo-Finnish name day lists are the official lists from 2020, which are valid until the end of 2024. The Greek Orthodox name list is from the Greek Orthodox calendar for 2021.

1Nyĺrsdagen. +. 2Svea, Sverker. +. 3Alfred, Alfrida. 01.
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Find out more in the annual name statistics tables. Finlandswedish Statistics.
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Looking for a perfect name that suits your little prince? then you are in the right place. Here is a list of unique and elegant Swedish names with meanings to help you select a name that makes you happy. Read on to know some of the amazing baby names for your little boy.

Celebrations of each name day are typically in commemoration of saints and martyrs of the Catholic church. For example, Sweden celebrates  Name-Day in swedish. Translation - Dictionary:

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An A-Z list of television series produced in Sweden and the date of first airing: S*M*A*S*H () (mini); S:t Mikael (); Sally (); Saltön 2 () (mini); Saltön

od strane radne skupine  هذا هو السويدي الحالي اسم اليوم التقويم المعتمد في عام 2001 من قبل مجموعة العمل بقيادة الأكاديمية السويدية . القائمة الجديدة ليس لها صفة رسمية ، ولكن مع ذلك يستخدمها  Swedish Days of the Week / Veckans dagar. Monday, måndag. Tuesday, tisdag. Wednesday, onsdag. Thursday, torsdag.

A little Swedish word list: dag = Day döpare = baptist eremit = hermit första = first halshuggning = decapitation helgon = saint höst = autumn, fall Julafton = Christmas Eve Juldagen = Christmas Day jungfru = virgin Korsmässa = Cross mass Menlösa/värnlösa barns dag: in the memory of all kids killed by king Herode after Jesus' birth Nyår = New Year

Showing names from "Dagny" to "Greta". Check it out! Labor Day, or May Day, is a day off for workers in many countries around the world.

The name differs across the countries that But they can always celebrate their name day.” The Finnish name day calendar presently contains 834 names; the list is updated every fifth year. The main criterion for inclusion is quantity – at least 500 children must have the name. The list for 2015 contains a number of new names, yet none are being removed from the calendar. Looking for Swedish names for boys? Visit our to get list of unique Swedish baby boy Names with meaning.