Consult Rutland's ITS.11204 Concealed Slide Arm brochure on MedicalExpo. Page: 1/2. TS.5204 Architectural door closer. 2 Pages. TS.9205 Architectural door closer.
Door closer TS 93 G EN 2-5 GSR EMF-2 V Door closer TS 93 G EN 2-5 GSR EMF-1 V Door closer TS 93 G EN 2-5 GSR EMF-1 VK Door closer TS 93 G EN 2-5 GSR EMF-1 VL Item Number:
VAT Select options The Rutland TS.11204 - EN2-4 Slide Arm Closer In Silver is renowned for its high efficiency and ease of opening and is a cam action door closer. The closer is slimline and features a temperature stable hydraulic fluid that operates effectively in temperatures between -30 ° C and +60 ° C. Rutland TS11205 Cam Action Closer - Silver Slide arm cam action door closers by Rutland available at low prices when you sign up for an account with Trade Fire. DORMA TS 71 Scissor Arm Door Closer With the TS 71, DORMA has developed a door closer that rounds off its ClassicLine series perfectly. The ease and speed with which it can be fixed, the fact that its spring strength can be so easily adapted to the door size and its competitive price should make the TS 71 the ideal choice for your application. TS 9206 – Slimline extreme heavy duty door closer £ 90.10 exc. VAT Add to cart; TS 4204 – Contract door closer £ 30.43 – £ 30.86 exc. VAT Select options; ITS 11204 – Concealed cam action door closer £ 84.92 – £ 87.80 exc.
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Fire door closers close fire doors behind a person passing through the door and therefore help limit the spread of fire throughout a building. Overhead fire door closers can be mounted in three different configurations which are commonly referred to as Fig 1, 61 and 66 positions (please note that not all closers can be mounted in all configurations). The TS.5204 and TS.3204 range of door closers are engineered from exceptional components and offer variable power adjustment to EN 2-4. Rutland Black Overhead Door Closer | TS.9204 BK | Essex Showroom | Online | Quantity Discounts | Supplier to Trade & Public | Since 1992 | Ironmongery Experts The TS.11205 overhead slide arm door closer with cam & roller mechanism provides high performance in a compact unit, plus controls your larger doorways with ease.
2021-02-05 Overhead door closers with link arm Geze TS 1500 / TS 2000 / TS SySTem 4000 GEZE TS 1500 73 16 86 50 39 177 GEZE TS 1500 Link arm door closer for single-leaf doors with a leaf width up to 1100 mm TS 1500 overhead door closer is suitable for single-leaf doors with a leaf width up to 1100 mm. The closing speed and hydraulic latching FLOOR DOOR CLOSER GEZE TS 500 NV, Contemporary, Spring. PLEASE SEE ALL PICTURES.
Rutland TS.11204 cam action door closer is renowed for its high effieciency & ease of opening, it has been tested to BS8300 for DocM contracts. This Surface Slide arm closer has a slimline construction (39mm projection) and temperature stable hydraulic fluid, which operates effectively in temperatures between -30 ° C and + 60 ° C.
Full product details including technical sheets, w door closers are designed to close the stated and tested specification of door weight and doorsets/door assemblies when doors are fitted with correct gaps and not binding on seals. if you encounter problems with doors not closing please watch our 6"ways to troubleshoot a door closer" video where doors are not RocYork Door Closers.
Rutland TS11205 Cam Action Closer - Silver
Available from Fire Detection Shop at low trade prices are Rutland TS.11204 and TS.11205 slide arm closers. TS 9206 – Slimline extreme heavy duty door closer £ 90.10 exc.
VAT Select options; ITS 11204 – Concealed cam action door closer £ 84.92 – £ 87.80 exc. VAT Select options; TS 11205 – Slide arm door closer £ 115.60 – £ 126.03 exc. VAT Select options
TS1224 Door Closer. X. Square Cover. Light duty closer . Choice of finish with silver arm .
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Successfully third party tested to BS EN1154 & CE marked to power size 2-4.
Slim and sleek design. Can support door weight of up to 60kg, 80kg, 120kg.
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Rutland TS.11204 cam action door closer is renowned for its high efficiency & ease of opening, it has been tested to BS8300 for DocM contracts. This Surface Slide arm closer has a slimline construction (39mm projection) and temperature stable hydraulic fluid, which operates effectively in temperatures between -15°C and + 40°C.
TS.11205 Slide Arm Closer. 2 Pages. TS.11204 Slide Arm Closer.
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TS 5000 L-R-ISM. Overhead door closer system with guide rail on opposite hinge side, with anti-panic function for double leaf doors up to 2800 mm hinge clearance with integrated closing sequence control, electric hold-open device and smoke switch control unit Product details
The TS.5204 and TS.3204 range of door closers are engineered from exceptional components and offer variable power adjustment to EN 2-4. Rutland Black Overhead Door Closer | TS.9204 BK | Essex Showroom | Online | Quantity Discounts | Supplier to Trade & Public | Since 1992 | Ironmongery Experts The TS.11205 overhead slide arm door closer with cam & roller mechanism provides high performance in a compact unit, plus controls your larger doorways with ease.
RocYork Door Closers. These stylishly sleek - non-handed 2-4 power adjustable door closers are suitable for a variety of metal and timber doors for use in projects such as hospitals, care homes, schools, colleges and other high traffic-able areas.
Closing Force Size 3. Door Size max 950mm. Door Width max 60kg. RocYork Door Closers. These stylishly sleek - non-handed 2-4 power adjustable door closers are suitable for a variety of metal and timber doors for use in projects such as hospitals, care homes, schools, colleges and other high traffic-able areas. Rutland Black Overhead Door Closer | TS.9204 BK | Essex Showroom | Online | Quantity Discounts | Supplier to Trade & Public | Since 1992 | Ironmongery Experts TS 5000 L-R-ISM.
Overhead door closer system with guide rail on opposite hinge side, with anti-panic function for double leaf doors up to 2800 mm hinge clearance with integrated closing sequence control, electric hold-open device and smoke switch control unit Product details
Door closer TS 4000 G GEZE Door closer TS 4000 Tandem GEZE Door closer TS 4000 E GEZE Door closer TS 5000 Accessories Overhead Positioned Door Closer AH We reserve the right to alter specifications without notice (HTH Architectural Hardware 2019). &/@5 =#; 96 3%6 @#$@U >/I'1 AQ.%J'1 />.1